Adherence to Therapies and Devices

Information for Patients


Sleep Treatment Option  

An overview of treatments for sleep apnea, from lifestyle changes and medication for mild cases, to positive airway pressure. This page includes introductory information about CPAP, bi-level, and APAP devices, as well as oral appliances, nasal devices, surgical options, positional therapy, and hypoglossal nerve stimulation.

Living with Sleep Apnea 

Patient-focused description of what “adherence” means as related to CPAP devices, how it is monitored by both insurance and healthcare providers, and tools and advice to empower patients to achieve adherence. The page also includes practical answers and advice to common CPAP-related issues, including cleaning, replacing, and traveling with a CPAP device, overcoming claustrophobia while wearing the mask, coping with dry mouth, and more.

How Do I Get Used to Wearing a CPAP Mask?

Practical steps to help new patients become accustomed to a CPAP device. Many patients report difficulties in initially getting used to wearing the CPAP mask, but there are steps to take that can help overcome this common early barrier to adherence.

I Don’t Want to Have to Wear My Mask Every Night

Practical advice to help patients overcome hesitation about wearing a CPAP device and to shift the focus from perceived negative aspects of the device to the positive reality of improved health and lower risk for associated health problems. Many patients who get past early hesitation report feeling much more well rested, leading to an improvement in their wellbeing overall.

COPD Educational Video Series

This collection of videos shows COPD Foundation respiratory therapists demonstrating the use of inhalers and nebulizers used by those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The videos also serve as an exceptional resource for healthcare professionals to convey education.

Medication and Immunization Wallet Card

It can help patients with chronic conditions to keep a list of medications and immunizations handy. You can print out this wallet card and carry it with you – be sure to update it periodically.

COPD Guides for Better Living: Treatment and Management

Download this free booklet to learn more about medications for people with COPD, finding the right dose and delivery device, oxygen therapy, surgical procedures, pulmonary rehabilitation, and more. 

Oxygen Therapy Basics

Oxygen Therapy Basics is intended to support individuals who are new to supplemental oxygen therapy. This guide covers the goals of oxygen therapy, oxygen equipment, safety, travel, and more.

My COPD Action Plan

Having an action plan can help you to better manage your COPD at home. Print and bring this to your health care team to discuss how this might work for you!

COPD Foundation Sleep Alliance

The COPD Foundation has free resources to help those with COPD better manage their chronic condition and understand their medications and therapies.

ASAP provides practical resources and shares patient experiences to help patients achieve adherence to sleep apnea therapies and devices such as CPAP, and to help them self-advocate for more effective care.

Join the COPD Foundation online community at, where you can talk to others with COPD about your journey with a chronic condition.

ASAP disseminates educational information to raise awareness of the health problems around sleep apnea, and of the insurance requirements around therapies and devices, to help patients understand the importance of adherence.

ASAP advocates for federal laws or regulations to support patient care, including those around approval of CPAP devices.

ASAP advocates for equitable diagnosis and treatment inclusive of all races, ages, and culturally diverse communities.


ATS Patient Information Series

The ATS Patient Information Series is a public service of the American Thoracic Society and its journal the AJRCCM ( The information appearing in this series is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for the medical advice of one’s personal health care provider.