Welcome Message
Thank you for joining us for the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Lung Disease Week, a forum designed to provide education and support for the millions of individuals living with respiratory, sleep-related, and critical care conditions. This week (September 3rd-9th) is focused on mental and physical wellness. An excellent way to keep your body healthy is to engage in physical activity and exercise, which in turn is beneficial in improving your mental wellbeing.
Physical health problems significantly increase our risk of developing mental health problems, and vice versa. Nearly one in three people with a long-term physical health condition also has a mental health problem, most often depression or anxiety. As one of the premiere professional societies focused on lung diseases, sleep disorders, critical care medicine and mental and physical health, the ATS’s Lung Disease Week program provides a platform for individuals to interact directly with experts in these fields to learn more about their conditions, understand the research landscape that drives advancements in their disease, and share their lived experience of these diseases with researchers and clinicians.
We are delighted you can join us for ATS Lung Disease Week "Mental and Physical Wellness” and invite you to participate in future ATS Lung Disease Weeks.
Angel Soto
Associate Director, Education and Mission Delivery
National Scleroderma Foundation
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable (PAR)
Joyce Kullman
Executive Director
Vasculitis Foundation
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable (PAR)
Michele Manion
president and executive director of the PCD Foundation
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Immediate PAst Chair, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable (PAR)
ATS Lung Transplant Week Partners

Building upon the collective strength of the vasculitis community, the Foundation supports, inspires and empowers individuals with vasculitis and their families through a wide range of education, research, clinical, and awareness initiatives. The Vasculitis Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. All contributions are 100% tax-deductible.

The National Scleroderma Foundation’s mission is to advance medical research, promote disease awareness, and provide support and education to people with scleroderma, their families and support networks.