Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters

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Statements, Guidelines & Reports

The Section on Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters remains committed to evidence based, peer-reviewed medicine and research. This page provides access to policy statements, clinical practice guidelines, technical standards and workshop reports related to inhalation disasters, including official ATS Documents and some of which are developed collaboratively with other professional societies.

American Thoracic Society

Inhalation Disasters

An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report: Chemical Inhalational Disasters: Biology of Lung Injury, Development of Novel Therapeutics, and Medical Preparedness

Environmental & Occupational Lung Disease

An Official ATS Statement: Diagnosis and Management of Beryllium Sensitivity and Chronic Beryllium Disease (2014)

Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, & Other Pulmonary Infections

Official American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children


An Official American Thoracic Workshop Report: Features and Measurements of Experimental Acute Lung Injury in Animals (2011)

Multi-Society Task Force for Critical Care Research: Key Issues and Recommendations (2012)

An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement: Comparative Effectiveness Research in Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine (2013)

An Official ATS Research Statement: Implementation Science in Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine (2016)


Most Official ATS Documents are printed in either the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine or the Annals of the American Thoracic Society and are available on those websites in PDF format. There is no charge to download one copy of any document.

If you need multiple (up to 100) copies of an ATS document, you may download one free copy from this website and then contact the Copyright Clearance Center at 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel. 978/ 750-8400, Fax 978/ 750-4744, www.copyright.com to obtain permission to reproduce the document.

For bulk orders (100 or more copies) of an ATS document, you should contact the Publisher at permissionrequests@thoracic.org or Tel. 212/315-6440.

For any questions, please contact Judy Corn at jcorn@thoracic.org or Tel. 212/ 315-8694.

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