Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters

Section Activities

The ATS Section on Terrorism and Inhalational Disasters (TID) was formed in 2003 to serve as resource for the leadership and membership of ATS. The scope of our section spans numerous assemblies (Critical Care; Pulmonary Infections & Tuberculosis [PI-TB]; Environmental and Occupational Health [EOH]; and Nursing [NUR]).

The section has a member base spanning from scientists to physicians to nurses. Our multidisciplinary focus covers terrorist events, natural disasters, emerging infectious diseases, and industrial accidents. We are interested in both the acute and chronic effects of these disasters on the lung and pulmonary system.  

In the past, we have organized post graduate courses, late breaking sessions, and plenary sessions.  Our activities include:

  • Advise the ATS leadership on inhalation disaster based issues and during terrorist events.
  • Release an official section statement on chlorine related inhalation injury
  • Develop this web site as a key resource for the ATS membership and the world, providing informational and educational tools via publications and recurring web content regarding inhalation injuries and disaster planning
  • Develop a system of volunteering within ATS to work with other assemblies and sections to create joint informational and educational material 
  • Work with other professional societies, federal agencies and others to develop a disaster network