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Are you interested in survey design? [] Yes, [] No, [] I don't know

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 29th at 3PM EST.

Presenter: Dr. Jeremy Richards

Survey-based studies are increasingly frequent in medical education and clinical research, and rigorously designing, implementing, and analyzing survey studies is critical to ensure that surveys are accurate, reliable, and publishable. In the "Are you interested in survey design? []Yes, []No, [] I don't know" webinar held on Wednesday, November 29th at 3PM (Eastern Standard Time), Dr. Jeremy Richards from Beth Israel Medical Center and Harvard Medical School reviewed the basic necessary steps of creating a survey and designing a survey study, with the goal of achieving a publishable final product. If you're interested in learning about or reviewing best practices of survey design, we encourage you to view the below webinar.



Additional Resources:

  1. Link to brief review of strengths and weakness of some survey dissemination platforms (free)

  2. Link for a one-page summary about avoiding common pitfalls in survey design from Academic Medicine (free full text)

  3. Link for a one-page summary about avoiding visual design pitfalls in survey development from Academic Medicine (free full text)

  4. Review article delineating best practices for survey development from the Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), published in Medical Teacher (free full text)