Scholarly Project Pods

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Scholarly Project Pods

The mission of the Section of Medical Education Scholarly Project "pods" is to cultivate, encourage, and advance medical education research through multi-institutional collaboration. The goal of each pod is to create an educational product with the hope to enhance the education of our pulmonary and critical care community.


Anna Neumeier, MD, ATSF
SoME Scholarly Project Chair


Justin Lui, MD, MS, ATSF
SoME Scholarly Project Co-Chair


We have several pods that are actively involved in various educational projects. If you are interested in joining a pod (and there is availability within that pod), please click on the links below to fill out a short interest form. The pod expectations, leader, and member responsibilities are listed here.

To sign up in any of these pods, please click in the "Sign Me Up" button below, and include the name of the pod you're interested in, first name, last name, email address and current institution.


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Pod Name Pod Leader Projects Currently Working on Pod Description
Transitions of Care Lekshmi Santhosh ICU-PAUSE national implementation and data analysis, community to academic med center perspective piece, your ideas welcome This pod focuses on research and educational initiatives to improve the process of transferring patients from the ICU to other care settings
Interprofessional Education Justin Lui This pod is dedicated to researching interprofessional education (IPE) in pulmonary critical care focusing on enhancing the collaborative skills of healthcare professionals.
Procedural Skills Majid Shafiq & Asad Khan 1) defining high-acuity low-occurrence (HALO) skills through a modified Delphi panel approach 2) working on an article focusing on the technical aspects and nuances of flexible scope intubations (FSIs). This article adopts a "How I Teach"/"How I Do It" format This pod focuses on research in procedures within Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine dedicated to improving the techniques, safety, efficacy, and outcomes of invasive procedures.
Wellness Dustin Krutsinger 1) Personal Financial Wellness education for PCCM fellows. 2) Burnout in trainees during and after MICU rotations, 3) Impact of night shifts on performance of health among intensivists. Given the intense nature of caring for critically ill patients, this pod emphasizes research, education, and interventions that address the physical, emotional, and mental health of providers. The pod’s goal is to foster a culture of wellness that enhances resilience, reduces burnout, and improves overall job satisfaction among pulmonary and critical care practitioners
Simulation P.J. Gary The work of this pod is dedicated to simulation innovations and outcomes focuses on advancing the efficacy of simulation-based learning within pulmonary and critical care settings.
Pediatrics Erin Powell This pod focuses on educational research in Pediatric Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PCCM)and aims to enhance the training and education of healthcare professionals who care for critically ill pediatric patients. This research initiative explores innovative educational strategies, curricula, and assessments that are specifically designed to meet the unique challenges of pediatric pulmonary and critical care medicine
EDIJ: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Justice Elizabeth Batchelor 1) Needs assessment for EDIJ education in fellowship. 2) Webinar The SOME Scholarship Research POD focused on Educational Research in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ) is dedicated to advancing the integration of EDIJ principles into the training and education of healthcare providers in pulmonary and critical care medicine (PCCM). This POD aims to investigate, develop, and implement educational strategies that foster a more equitable and inclusive learning environment, improve patient care, and address systemic inequities within the field.
Milestones/EPA Mark Adelman The SOME Pod, focused on Milestones and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), is committed to advancing educational research in competency-based medical education (CBME) for pulmonary and critical care physicians. This POD aims to improve the training, assessment, and progression of learners by refining the use of milestones and EPAs to better reflect the skills, knowledge, and behaviors essential for practicing in this high-stakes field.
Metacognition/Adult Learning Abdulla Alismail & Sugeet Jagpal 1) Perspective paper on Meta-leadership : Published; 2) perspective paper on metaleadership: Draft form 3) ??? something with guilt/capacity/capability: Conception stage This SOME POD is dedicated to exploring how principles of metacognition and adult learning theory can be applied to the education and training of pulmonary and critical care medicine (PCCM) professionals. This research initiative seeks to improve the ways in which trainees develop critical thinking, self-reflection, and adaptive learning strategies essential for success in high-pressure clinical environments
Leadership Heath Patel 1) Webinar, 2) Qualitative Study on Leadership Skill Development in Senior PCCM Physicians, 3) Study on if CCM physicians hold a higher perctenage of formal leadership roles in academic healthcare systems and School's of Medicine This pod is dedicated to advancing the education and cultivation of leadership skills in pulmonary and critical care medicine (PCCM) professionals. This research initiative seeks to explore innovative approaches to leadership training, fostering the development of effective clinical leaders who can navigate the complex, high-pressure environments of critical care and lead multidisciplinary teams with confidence and expertise.
Narrative medicine Avraham Cooper New pod! This pod supports the members' development as writers and humanists in medicine.
Professional Identity Formation Tim Dyster This pod's work surrounds the intersection of professional identity formation (PIF) and medical practice. This research initiative aims to explore how physicians in pulmonary and critical care specialties develop, refine, and solidify their professional identities over the course of their training and careers