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Community & Collaboration


A free, open-access publication service that promotes educational scholarship and collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources. Provided by the AAMC, along with the American Dental Education Association and the American Psychological Association.

Skill Development

Clinician Educator's Handbook 236 page PDF from Texas Children's Hospital, published in 2008. A practical reference written with clinical teaching in mind.

Instructional Methods in Health Professionals Education (via Coursera) – open online 8 week course from University of Michigan Medical School, intended for those involved in clinical education to expand and improve their teaching skills.

Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills (via Coursera) – open online 7 week course from University of Michigan Medical School, intended for those seeking to improve feedback, clinical teaching, and assessment of clinical skills.

Scholarship & Career Development

Funding sources for medical educators

Learning Materials for Pulmonary & Critical Care

ATS Reading List A curated list of the most influential literature in pulmonary & critical care medicine.

ATS Quick Hits A collection of image based cases with key clinical questions.

Lecture Series: Pulmonary Physiology & Pathophysiology by Dr. John West, MD PhD, UC San Diego School of Medicine.

HEAL The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) is a collection of over 22,000 freely available digital materials for health sciences education.

Tutorial in PFT Interpretation Case-based PFT tutorial from Washington University, designed for self-directed learning for internal medicine residents.

PACCM Education Resources University of Pittsburgh Medical Center website with links to core pulmonary and critical care medicine topics where you will find key publications, power point presentations, and handouts.

Funding Sources for Medical Educators

Non-Profit and Professional Society Funding Opportunities: 

  • AAMC Grants and Awards 
Regional Groups on Education Affairs
  • AHRQ Grants support research to improve the quality, effectiveness, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of health care.  Funding announcements will be posted on this site, but users can also subscribe for e-mail alerts.       
  • APCCMPD Scholarship in Medical Education Research Award is a $25,000 grant awarded every other year to fund projects that further the field of pulmonary and critical care medicine fellow training.
  • Arnold P Gold Foundation Grants for Humanism in Healthcare.   Funding opportunities include:  
    • Gold Humanism Honor Society chapter grants ($1500 or less)
    • Signature Programs (White Coat Ceremony, Gold Humanism Honor Society, The Research Institute, and Tell Me More®)
  • Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Grants focus primarily on the following five priority areas:
    • Interprofessional Education and Teamwork
    • New Curriculum Content
    • New Models for Clinical Education
    • Career Development in Health Professions Education
    • Education for the Care of Underserved Populations
  • The NBME Edward J. Stemmler Medical Education Research Fund  provides support for research or development of innovative assessment approaches that will enhance the evaluation of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine.   It is awarded to LCME or AOA accredited medical schools for individual or collaborative projects, pilot or more comprehensive. 
  • The Sepmeyer Research Grant Program  of the International Education Research Foundation offers awards up to $1000 for projects supporting research on the evaluation and integration of non-U.S. academic credentials in the United States. 
  • Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education offers grants for original, scientific research related to physician and/or health professionals lifelong learning. 

Industry Funding Sources:
Industry funded education grants may be available for projects in special interest topics, often disease or procedure specific.  The following is a limited selection of currently available information; these and others may be available intermittently.

Other helpful resources:

Do you have a suggestion for a web-based resource that could be included on this page? Let us know!