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Do you often wonder how the ATS Assemblies & Committees really work? Would you like to get more involved? This is your chance! You can now register to become more involved in the ATS Assemblies, Committees or both. There are many ways to grow within the ATS, and signing up to partake in the Assemblies and Committees are a great starting point.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Degree: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Current Institution: *
Clinical Position:
Academic Title: *
If other, please indicate your Academic Title:
Do you identify as underrepresented minority in medicine (URM) Yes/No
Do you identify as an Early Career Professional?

ECP definition: (any of the following)
-within 6 years of starting a faculty position
-within 10 years of terminal degree
-self-identify as an early career professional by other criteria *
Through the ATS, I would be most interested in (choose three, at most):
Clinical and/or Professional Skill Development
Networking/ Meeting Collaborators
Leadership Development
Active participation in the International Conference through moderating or facilitating sessions
Participating in Assemblies Early Career activities (i.e. Mentoring Program and Apprenticeship Program )

Please select at least one Assembly and/or Committee. If you are interested in more than one Assemblies/Committees/Areas of Interest/Interest in Participation, please click 'Add New' button.

* Assemblies & Sections * Areas of Interest * Interest in Participation




*SCALe (Steering Committee on Advancement and Learning)

* Committee * Areas of Interest


CV File:

If you have selected a Committee, please fill out the Statement below and upload a Nomination Letter (Optional).

Nomination Letter:
Statement (Maximum: 700 characters): *



*Note: Interest in Participation Descriptions and Committee Selection

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  1. Early Career Professionals Working Group
  2. To promote and facilitate the involvement of junior ATS members (students, fellows, and junior faculty) in their Assembly. The ECP Working Groups program education sessions at the ATS International Conference geared towards junior professionals. The ECP Working Groups are also responsible for organizing the ATS Assembly Mentoring Program and the ATS Assembly Apprenticeship Program as well as brainstorm new ways to engage young members.

  3. Facilitating a Poster Presentation Session
  4. To foster and encourage the debate of important scientific and clinical questions relevant to the major themes of the session; to offer specific feedback to the authors concerning their data and its interpretation and to foster interchange between the presenters and observers of the poster material.

  5. General Working Groups
  6. Assemblies can choose to form working groups under the purview and approval of the current Assembly Chair. Working groups should include a minimum of five assembly members but be no larger than twelve. Working groups have a maximum two-year term. Working Groups must complete their goals within the two-year term and cannot be renewed after goals are completed.

    Working Groups may be utilized to meet the following goals:

    • Facilitate effective collaboration between Assembly Executive Committees and Assembly Members in a area within the Assembly;
    • To gain knowledge in a specific topic area under an Assembly;
    • Identify learning gaps in specific disease categories; and
    • Assess assembly membership needs.

  7. Journal Clubs
  8. Explore high impact literature and approaches used to address clinical, translational, and basic research problems. The Journal Clubs are conducted on a web based platform allowing real-time discussion both online and on the phone. This interactive activity is dedicated to fellows and trainees, who have the opportunity to take an active role in participating and leading a session. All sessions are held in conjunction with assembly Web Directors.

  9. Program Committee
  10. The purpose of the ATS Program Committees is to plan and program the assembly’s sessions for the International Conference.

    These include:

    • Scientific Symposia
    • Meet the Expert Seminars
    • Clinical Topics in Pulmonary Medicine Track
    • Critical Care Track
    • Keynotes
    • Midday Sessions

    Assembly Program Committees also review abstracts submitted to their assembly and programs acceptable abstracts into the following formats: Mini-Symposia Poster Discussion Sessions Thematic Poster Sessions.

  11. Planning Committee
  12. The purpose of an Assembly Planning Committee is to develop a long-range plan of work for the assembly. The Assembly Planning Committees are responsible for reviewing and assisting in the development of New / Renewal assembly projects. Planning Committees provide feedback on proposal development prior to final submission. Planning Committees collaborate with the Documents Committee to assess currency of assembly-initiated documents and in the formulation of an action plan for those documents that need to be updated or archived. Planning Committees also develop and maintain the criteria for the assembly’s awards. Planning Committees review all award nominations and select awardees on a yearly basis.

  13. Podcasts
  14. Our podcasts are discussions about pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine from our assemblies, sections and committees as well as discussions of general interest to the ATS community.

  15. Web Committee
  16. Are responsible for reviewing and organizing the assembly Web site content and updating as needed. Members of the web committee also organize all assembly online forums, Journal Clubs, Podcasts and Clinical Cases.
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  1. Awards Committee
  2. Selects the annual recipient of the Trudeau Medal and the other ATS awards presented at the general awards session of the International Conference. The Committee periodically reviews and revises, as needed, the selection criteria for these ATS awards. It also provides oversight to the entire ATS portfolio of awards to prevent duplication and manage overlap.

  3. Documents Development and Implementation Committee
  4. Charged with developing ATS policy concerning documents development, document review and evaluation, and document processing as below and making policy recommendations to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The primary responsibility of the Committee is to identify and foster opportunities for the ATS to develop, disseminate and implement ATS documents, and to identify appropriate groups (often within ATS Assemblies or Committees) or individuals to undertake these tasks. As one approach to this goal, it monitors the relevance and current status of previously published ATS documents, proposes dates for revisions, and works with relevant committees to identify and encourage potential document developers to revise and update the documents. The Committee also identifies strategies and opportunities for ATS to develop, disseminate, and help implement enduring products, derivatives, and electronic media related to ATS documents in conjunction with other ATS groups, such as the document developers, and the Steering Committee on Advancement and Learning (SCALe). It also identifies members and non-members with ex`pertise to support staff in the development and implementation of these strategies and opportunities.

  5. Drug/Device Discovery and Development Committee
  6. Provides a forum within the Society that focuses on identifying and instilling principles of translational and clinical science specific to the discovery and development of new drugs and devices relevant to the American Thoracic Society mission. The committee takes a multifaceted and collaborative approach to supporting the development of innovative therapies for those with respiratory diseases, critical illness and sleep disorders. It will provide the Society with the strategies and specific methods to distribute knowledge surrounding the discovery and development of new drugs and devices, which relates to the art and principles of translational research to its members. Additionally, the committee will serve as an ad hoc resource to the ATS Committee on Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee and the Steering Committee on Advancement and Learning (SCALe). The goal is to enhance collaboration among all scientists and advance all science, regardless of genesis or financial support.

  7. Environmental Health Policy Committee
  8. To serve as a collaborative resource for the staff of the ATS Government Relations Office and to advise the ATS Executive Committee and Board of Directors on issues of policy importance and priorities for ATS action. It monitors, evaluates the scientific rationale for, and proposes policies that seek to control ambient air pollutants, occupational exposures to respiratory toxicants, and indoor air pollution, as well as to mitigate the health impacts of climate change. The Committee coordinates its activities with the Health Policy Committee and the Environmental and Occupational Health Assembly of the ATS. In particular, it monitors activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Committee also proposes legislation when appropriate to maintain the effectiveness of air quality laws, including the U.S. Clean Air Act.

  9. Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee
  10. Recommends to the Board policies for addressing biomedical ethical issues as well as organizational ethical issues, including conflicts of interest. Its goal is to ensure that the ATS is ethical in conduct and effective in advocacy on ethical issues important to the patients we serve. The Committee monitors relevant policies of other societies and reviews recommendations from healthcare experts, ethicists, and other resources to maintain the professional standing and integrity of the Society in all of its affairs. In addition, it serves as a resource to review issues of ethics and conflict of interest for the ATS and advises the ATS President, Executive Committee, assemblies and other relevant committees on rapidly emerging issues related to biomedical and organizational ethics, including conflict of interest.

  11. Finance Committee
  12. Has responsibility for providing oversight for the overall fiscal policies and financial operations of the Society and financial reporting processes that maintain the integrity of the Society’s financial statements. It fulfills its charge by reviewing requested financial reports to ensure sound fiscal practices and the financial integrity of the Society. It semi-annually reviews the Society’s investment portfolio performance, investment policy and cash management program, and reviews staff recommendations to the Board regarding the selection of investment advisors or audit firms. The Committee annually reviews and recommends to the Board an annual budget for the Society and reviews the audit report and presents its findings to the Board of Directors. It reviews all material written communication from the auditors, proposes to the Board solutions for any matters that may be noted as a result of the audit, and periodically reviews the employee benefits plans of the Society.

  13. Health Equity and Diversity Committee
  14. The Health Equity and Diversity Committee serves as a resource to the ATS Executive Committee and Board of Directors on issues related to health equity and diversity within our membership and leadership. This committee is charged with promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization and with creating a plan for addressing health equity and diversity issues through cross committee collaboration and the ATS at-large.

  15. Health Policy Committee
  16. To serve as a resource for the staff of the ATS Government Relations Office and to advise the ATS Executive Committee and Board of Directors on issues of policy importance and priorities for ATS action. The Health Policy Committee strives to achieve health equality, and advocates for improved health and access to care for patients with critical illnesses and pulmonary and sleep-related conditions. It monitors federal healthcare legislation, policies, and regulations and provides federal agencies with expert knowledge to assist their efforts to improve the provision, funding, and coverage of services and support the prevention of respiratory disease. The Committee periodically develops position statements on proposed or existing federal healthcare policies when appropriate. Finally, the Health Care Policy Committee also reviews federal policies regarding pulmonary and critical care workforce needs and provides expert opinions in coordination with the Council of Chapter Representatives.

  17. International Conference Committee
  18. Responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing scientific and educational sessions and other programs of the ATS International Conference. This responsibility includes securing, reviewing and selecting proposals and abstracts for the scientific sessions, coordinating sessions devoted to continuing medical education, and supervising the conduct and content of collaboratively sponsored programs. The International Conference Committee evaluates the quality of each year's International Conference and proposes strategies to improve the conference in subsequent years.

  19. International Health Committee
  20. Develops strategies to promote the global mission of the ATS to improve the health of patients worldwide with pulmonary and sleep related conditions and critical illnesses. It recommends to the Board policies, guidelines, and programs that promote lung health worldwide as well as enhance care of the critically ill and those with sleep disorders worldwide. The Committee coordinates and facilitates the interactions of the Society with professional organizations based outside of the United States. It also provides oversight for programs and partnerships co-sponsored or endorsed by the ATS but initiated or managed by international, governmental, and non-governmental organizations and agencies. The Committee also advises the Executive Committee regarding participation of ATS officers in programs sponsored by international organizations and works in collaboration with the Research Advocacy Committee to advocate for international research funding. It will review, revise and implement an annual plan for the promotion of the Society’s Strategic Directions for Global Health that describes the activities and programs to achieve the aims of the Society in global health.

  21. Joint ATS/CHEST Clinical Practice Committee
  22. Monitors payment, billing, and regulatory matters that affect the clinical practice of pulmonary, sleep and critical care medicine in the United States. It drafts comments that represent ATS positions on payment, billing, and practice regulations to inform leadership, membership, relevant agencies, and the public on important issues as they arise, and educates leaders and membership.

  23. Membership Committee
  24. Provides strategic guidance to retain and grow an actively engaged membership with the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities, and values to fulfill the Society’s mission and goals. It annually reviews membership criteria, categories and dues. The Committee also serves as a resource for staff to review issues that arise with applications for membership. It recommends to the Board strategies for growing membership and retaining current members. Finally, the Committee fosters the efforts of members to eliminate gender, racial, ethnic, or economic health disparities worldwide and incorporates approaches to health equality incorporates approaches to health equality. The Membership Committee continuously evaluates the value of membership and promotes ATS membership benefits.

  25. Patient and Family Education Committee
  26. Provides oversight for the design, implementation, and evaluation of the Society’s patient, family and lay public-oriented educational activities and products, including informational brochures and website materials. The Committee performs ongoing assessments of ATS patient/public educational resources to assure that they are relevant, current, health literate, and cost-effective. Based on these assessments, the Committee oversees the periodic development and modification of the Society's educational portfolio for patients and families and conducts periodic strategic planning aimed at continued improvement. It develops educational strategies to accelerate the translation of scientific discovery and knowledge to improve patient and family knowledge and skill about the prevention and treatment of pulmonary disease, critical illness, and sleep disorders. PFEC focuses on areas that improve clinician knowledge and attitudes for enhancing communication with patients and families, including topics such as health literacy, cultural competence, and use of patient and family educational materials in clinical practice. In addition, the Committee also explores ways to ensure that the patient and family perspective is incorporated into educational activities for ATS members and other professionals in the fields of pulmonary, critical care and sleep. The committee works closely with the Public Advisory Roundtable (PAR) to develop collaborative goals regarding patient and family education.

  27. Planning and Evaluation Committee
  28. Identify emerging trends and challenges that affect the ability of ATS to accomplish its missions, and provide advice and recommendations regarding ATS policy and service. The Committee periodically evaluates the effectiveness of the Society in accomplishing its mission and goals and in serving its members and the public by reviewing Society activities and accomplishments in specific areas. In conjunction with the Executive Committee, it also chooses specific areas for evaluation.

  29. Pulmonary Function Testing Committee
  30. Develops proficiency standards for pulmonary function and blood gas laboratories and develops strategies to promote adherence to ATS standards. This committee serves as a resource for the ATS staff concerning issues related to pulmonary function and blood gas testing.

  31. Project Review Subcommittee
  32. Reviews project proposals submitted by assemblies and committees that require scientific peer-review and proposes a rank list in accordance with the priorities of the Society for consideration of funding in the annual budget.

  33. Publications Policy Committee
  34. Provides oversight of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, and Annals of the American Thoracic Society to promote scientific integrity, relevance and leadership in the fields of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. The Publications Policy Committee ensures that the Society’s journals contribute to the achieving the Society’s mission. The Committee is responsible for the broad editorial policies of the journals. It evaluates the performance of the editors and transmits the evaluations to the Executive Committee. The Committee regularly evaluates the overall publications needs of the Society and, when necessary, recommends appropriate changes in the publications program. It provides the Board with strategic guidance for addressing emerging challenges and monitors the effectiveness of new programs, and offers a forum for evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities related to ATS journals. Working in close association with the Documents Development and Implementation Committee, the Committee promotes the effective dissemination of official ATS documents. Finally, it is also responsible for oversight and management of Journal CME planning and implementation.

  35. Quality Improvement and Implementation Committee
  36. Serves as a resource for the ATS regarding quality and performance improvement and measurement. It seeks to ensure that ATS is involved in these activities in a way that creates value for ATS members and advances the practice of quality improvement in the fields of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. The function of this Committee has additional significance as the new health care legislation takes effect and quality and performance standards are put forward that affect ATS members. Its scope broadly includes identification and recommendations relating to safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of health care delivery. It provides recommendations concerning how quality standards should be implemented in the care setting and performance measures. The Committee evaluates existing quality standards related to Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, examines existing practice guidelines to identify potentially new standards for quality practice, and identifies the need for new guidelines. Its ultimate goal is to improve the outcomes of care through improvements in clinical practice. This committee considers opportunities for ATS participation in performance improvement movements in order to advance the quality and science behind performance improvement and provide a service to ATS members, patients, and the public in this area. The Committee helps ATS take a leading role in relevant quality improvement research through independent and collaborative research programs and support of the science of quality improvement research and value-based incentives.

  37. Research Advocacy Committee
  38. Serves as a resource for the staff of the ATS Government Relations Office and to advise the ATS Executive Committee and Board of Directors on issues of policy importance and priorities for ATS action regarding advocacy to advance research in areas of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep. Specifically, the Research Advocacy Committee provides expertise and develops documents to assist ATS in efforts to work collaboratively with the National Institutes of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Veterans Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Working in close association with the ATS Governmental Relations Office, the Committee monitors congressional budgets and legislation with budgetary implications and creates recommendations to advocate for research support. The Research Advocacy Committee promotes the inclusion of the Society’s research agenda in the programs of relevant funding agencies and advocates for adequate funding of these programs to meet public needs, including patient-centered research that promotes health equity

  39. Scientific Grant Review Committee
  40. Provides strategic guidance for the Society’s research programs and scientific policies and is primarily responsible for the direct oversight for the process of reviewing grants applications to the ATS Research Program. The Committee provides oversight for the ATS Research Program and works with ATS staff on identifying additional extramural sources of funding. It recommends policies to the Board that would further the Society’s science and research mission and objectives, including scientific areas in need of research, and develops collaborations with other societies and organizations to further research in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine with an interest in proposals that advance health equity. The Committee determines the number of Scientific Review Groups and the number of members of each Scientific Review Group needed to provide scientific review for the different grant programs. It also identifies the chair and members of the ATS Scientific Review Groups. Additionally, it determines the process and develops application forms, criteria, and guidelines for the various grant opportunities. Oversees the work of the different review groups and selects grants for funding.

  41. SCALe - Board Review and MOC
  42. The Board Review and MOC committee oversees board certification and maintenance of certification for ATS learning activities, including the International Conference. It is an excellent match for expert clinicians and educators interested in continuous professional education, question-writing, and dissemination of evidence-based practices.

  43. SCALe - Core Curriculum
  44. Members of the Core Curriculum Committee are responsible for putting together the topics for the core curriculum, selecting and mentoring speakers and reviewing MOC questions that are presented at the annual ATS International Conference.

  45. SCALe - Education Technology
  46. The Education Technology Committee focuses on integrating technology into teaching and learning, evaluating educational software/tools, and serving as a resource on educational technology trends for other ATS committees involved in lifelong learning. This committee is an ideal choice for members who are passionate about technology's role in the learning process.

  47. SCALe - Evaluations and Outcomes
  48. The Evaluations and Outcomes Committee focuses on assessing and enhancing the effectiveness and impact of learning programs within the ATS. This committee suits members who are interested in data analysis, program evaluation, and evidence-based programming decisions

  49. SCALe - Late-Breaking Education
  50. The Late-Breaking Education Committee addresses emerging topics and critical issues impacting the ATS community requiring rapid dissemination of knowledge and training. This committee is an excellent fit if you excel at staying on the cutting edge and adapting swiftly to new developments.

  51. SCALe - Professional Development
  52. The Professional Development Committee leads training programs, workshops, and other opportunities focused on skills development and career advancement for early and mid-career professionals in clinical and scientific roles. This committee is a good match if supporting others’ development and career advancement brings you fulfillment.

  53. SCALe - Skills-Based Education
  54. The Skills-Based Education Committee focuses on hands-on skills, practical training, and other skills-based educational programs. This committee suits members interested in practical skill development within and outside of the international conference.

  55. Tobacco Action Committee
  56. Organizes and coordinates the ATS tobacco control activities. These activities include research, clinical, educational, advocacy and policy activities with the ultimate goal of minimizing the impact of tobacco on morbidity and mortality worldwide. The committee strives to enhance the ability of the ATS to participate more fully in the investigation of the root causes of tobacco use; treatment of nicotine dependence; and advocacy efforts to eliminate its use. The Committee will communicate and collaborate with similar committees or bodies in other organizations such as the Forum of International Respiratory Societies and the European Respiratory Society Tobacco Action and Control Committee.