Sleep Related Questionnaires

Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)

Name of questionnaire Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)
Type of questionnaire-description A simple questionnaire to measure the adequacy of asthma control and change in asthma control which occurs either spontaneously or as a result of treatment.
Number of items 7 items; 1 week recall (for items on symptoms and rescue inhaler use)
Number of domains & categories ACQ has a multidimensional construct assessing symptoms (5 items--self-administred) and rescue inbronchodilator use (1 item-self-administered), and FEV1% (1 item) completed by clinic staff
Name of categories/domains   As above
Scaling of items 7-point scale (0=no impairment, 6= maximum impairment for symptoms and rescue use; and 7 categories for FEV1%)
Scoring available: with permission or free Scores range between 0 (totally controlled) and 6 (severely uncontrolled).
Test-retest reproducibility Reported, with high intraclass correlation coefficient =0.90
Internal consistency Yes
Validity Yes, comparison to Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) and the Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form-36 (SF-36),  clinician global rating of change (based on consultation with the patient, spirometry, 1-week diary of short-acting ß2-agonist use and morning prebronchodilator peak expiratory flow, AQLQ and SF-36 data).
Minimally important difference Change in score of 0.5
Language English
Translations in other languages (if yes, then list the languages) Multiple other languages; see click here
Developer name Elizabeth F. Juniper, MCSP, MSc
Developer contact information Elizabeth F. Juniper, MCSP, Msc; 20 Marcuse Fields; Bosham, West Sussex, PO18 8NA, England; Tel: +44 1243 572124; Fax: +44 1243 573680
Availability of questionnaire: needs permission from developer, cost or freely available Permission needed from the author;
References (including original publication)  Juniper EF, O'Byrne PM, Guyatt GH, Ferrie PJ, King DR. Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure asthma control. Eur Respir J 1999; 14: 902–907.Juniper EF, Bousquet J, Abetz L, Bateman ED. Identifying 'well-controlled' and 'not well-controlled' asthma using the Asthma Control Questionnaire. Respiratory Medicine 2006 (100): 616–621.  Juniper EF, Svensson K, Mork AC, Stahl E. Measurement properties and interpretation of three shortened versions of the asthma control questionnaire. Respiratory Medicine 2005 (99): 553–558.
Limitations Not designed to diferentiate between daytime and nightime asthma control
Link to the questionnaire (if available) See appendix of orginal reference; click here
Other comments two items ask about symptoms related to nocturnal awakenings
Alternate Versions There is a version of the ACQ with peak expiratory flow instead of  FEV1% but this version is not quite so accurate as the original. The ACQ with PEF is supplied on specific request: click here. Three shortened versions (symptoms alone, symptoms plus FEV1 and symptoms plus β2-rescue bronchodilator) have been validated and have shown good measurement properties but not quite so good as those of the complete ACQ version. The minimal important difference on these versions is also 0.5 (Juniper EF, Svensson K, Mork AC, Stahl E. Measurement properties and interpretation of three shortened versions of the asthma control questionnaire. Respiratory Medicine 2005 (99): 553–558).