Welcome Message
Thank you for joining us at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Lung Disease Week, a forum designed to provide education and support for the millions of individuals living with respiratory, sleep-related, and critical care conditions. This week (April 9-15) is focused on Oxygen, how to be proactive. There are an estimated 1.5 million supplemental oxygen users in the United States alone. This forum will not only provide information related to the use of supplemental oxygen, but how to be proactive in your health, and your care to possibly decrease your reliance on supplemental oxygen.
Respiratory and related diseases are among the most common medical conditions globally affecting more than 500 million people. As one of the premiere professional societies focused on lung diseases, sleep disorders, and critical care medicine, ATS Lung Disease Week provides a platform for individuals to interact directly with experts in these fields to learn more about their conditions, understand the research landscape that drives advancements in their disease, and share their lived experience of these diseases with researchers and clinicians.
We are delighted you can join us for ATS Lung Disease Week ‘Oxygen: How to be proactive” and invite you to participate in future ATS Lung Disease Weeks."
Paula Blonski
ARDS Alliance, Inc.
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable
Steve Park
Vice President of Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
PAP Foundation
Member, ATS Public Advisory Roundtable
ATS Oxygen: Advocation for Yourself Week Partners

The PAP Foundation is a non-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to finding a cure and to improving the lives of those affected by PAP. Through advocacy and collaboration, they promote research on PAP and provide information and support for PAP patients, healthcare professionals, and the public. They are pleased to be a resource of information about PAP. The PAP Foundation is dedicated to worldwide collaboration among patients, clinicians & scientists to increase awareness & hasten therapeutic development.

ARDS Alliance Inc. is dedicated to promoting and furthering charitable, education and scientific opportunities for the advancement of awareness, research and to improve the quality of life for all those affected by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).