These Abstract Scholarship Awards have been funded by the American Thoracic Society
Ahmad Al-Dobyany, MD
McGill University
Abstract Title: Persistence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing from Pregnancy to the Postpartum Period
Ali Azarbarzin, PhD
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Abstract Title: Prolonged Circulatory Delay And Bradycardia In Response To Sleep Disordered Breathing Events Predict Mortality Among Older Men
Thomaz A. Fleury Curado, MD
The Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center
Abstract Title: Chemogenetic Silencing of Hypoglossal Motor Neurons Creates a Model of Upper Airway Obstruction During Sleep
Teresa Gallego Martin, PhD
Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med
Abstract Title: Physiology of an Aged Mouse Model of Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia
Jay T. Guevarra, MD, BS
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital
Abstract Title: Consequences of Inspiratory Flow Limitation Termination in Mild to Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Prabhavathi Gummalla, MBBS, MD, FAAP
SUNY Downstate hospital
Abstract Title: Narcolepsy with Central Adrenal Insufficiency, GH Excess and Increased IGFBP3
Toru Inami, MD, PhD
Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital
Abstract Title: Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease Stage is associated with Central Sleep Apnea in Patients with Heart Failure
Muammar Kabir, PhD
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute University Health Network
Abstract Title: Increases in Heart Sound Intensity following Respiratory Events are Positively Correlated with Drops in Oxygen Saturation during the Events
Dae Kang, PhD
UC San Diego
Abstract Title: Epoch-by-Epoch Uncertainty Quantification to Augment Automated Sleep Architecture Estimation
Dwayne Mann, BSc(Hons)
The University of Queensland
Abstract Title: Quantifying the Severity of Pharyngeal Airflow Obstruction using Polysomnography
Takeshi Matsumoto, MD
Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University
Abstract Title: Interactions between Diabetes or Hypertension and Sleep Disordered Breathing Objective Sleep Duration and Obesity: The Nagahama Study
Anna May, MD, MS
Case Western Reserve University
Abstract Title: Sex-specific Differences In Systemic Inflammation Markers In Response To Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment: The Sleep Apnea Stress Study Randomized Controlled Trial
Ludovico Messineo, MD
Harvard Medical School
Abstract Title: Clinical Predictors Of Respiratory System Loop Gain In Healthy Subjects And Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Takuma Minami, MD
Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University
Abstract Title: Impact of Sleep Disordered Breathing on Diabetes Based on Presence or Absence of Family History of Diabetes; The Nagahama Study
Sara Op de Beeck, MSc
University of Antwerp
Abstract Title: Characteristics of Upper Airway Collapse Assessed during Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy Predict Response and Deterioration under Mandibular Advancement Device Therapy
Ankit Parekh, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Abstract Title: Change In Sleep Microarchitecture, Homeostasis And Vigilance With CPAP In Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Christopher Turnbull, BMBCh
Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust
Abstract Title: Effect Of Supplemental Oxygen On The Return Of Sleepiness During CPAP Withdrawal: Which Derivative Of The Osler Maintenance Of Wakefulness Test Should Be Used?
Daniel Vena, MHS, PhD
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network
Abstract Title: Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Calf Muscle on Rostral Fluid Shift and Snoring
Heming Wang, PhD
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Abstract Title: Epigenome-wide Association Studies Shows DNA Methylation Association with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Among African Americans
Benjamin Wu, MD
NYU School of Medicine
Abstract Title: Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea is associated with Changes in Nasal Microbiota