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NUR Member Profile

Mel Bors, RN, BSN, MA

Mel Bors, RN, BSN, MA

What is your current position?

  1. RN case manager, Interstitial Lung Disease Clinic, University of Minnesota
  2. Adjunct Faculty, School of Nursing, Metropolitan State University
  3. PhD candidate, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota

What are you passionate about in your work?

I am passionate about the management of supplemental oxygen therapy in individuals with chronic lung disease, particularly for those who require high liter flows with activity, but little to no oxygen at rest. The development of portable oxygen equipment is consumer, not clinically, driven. This results in the development of very compact and small devices that don't meet the needs of many individuals. Those who require high flow equipment do not have many options, and require higher levels of clinical management and support.

Tell us about a memorable patient or student that you worked with?

I work with some very devoted and highly motivated patients. A few years ago, I got together with a couple of patients from our ILD clinic and we started a pulmonary fibrosis support group in the Minneapolis-St.Paul area. Since the 2 years that we began working together, the group has grown from 6 people getting together, to over 25 individuals attending each month. Encouraging patients to get involved helps empower them to make great differences in the lives of others, as well as in their own lives. There is nothing that beats the efforts of individuals who are personally invested in the cause.

Tell us about your latest or favorite research project?

I am working on a couple of clinical research projects at the moment, but my favorite thus far was my research looking at cognitive function in IPF. It was my first research project, and I learned so much about research and methodology, and am really grateful for the individuals at the University of Minnesota who helped me with that research.

How do you spend your leisure time (yes, hopefully you have leisure time)?

I am a strong advocate of fitness. I used to participate in marathons and triathlons before I tore my ACL. Since then, I've primarily competed in natural bodybuilding.

Do you have children? Tell us about them.

I do not.

Do you have pets? Tell us about them.

I have a black pug named Zsa Zsa. I am Hungarian and so I decided to name her after one of the most famous Hungarians, someone who was famous for being famous.

How has your view of nursing changed over the years?

I remember the research class I took when completing my undergraduate degree. I remember thinking that I was never going to use any of that information as I had no desire to pursue nursing research. Now I can't think of anything more exciting than research. When I teach nursing research to my class, I try to make it fun and applicable, and encourage them to keep an open mind for their future and consider the possibilities of research.

How long have you been a member in ATS?

I've been a member for 4 years.

Do you have a mentor that has helped you?

I have been very fortunate and have had the opportunity to work with many remarkable individuals, whom have all been very supportive of my work and goals. I have to say that among my many mentors, there are two that really stand out, and both are members of ATS. The first is Dr Linda Chlan, from The Ohio State University School of Nursing, and second is Dr David Perlman from the University of Minnesota, School of Medicine.

What is the value of your membership in ATS ?

I am motivated to bring new contributions and look forward to collaborating with other members of ATS. I am thrilled to continue working on supplemental oxygen therapy, especially as it relates to the interstitial lung diseases. At the next ATS Symposium I will be presenting a Sunrise Seminar with Dr Maneesh Bhargava on the management of long-term oxygen therapy in exertional hypoxia, and I hope you will consider attending to learn more about this increasingly important subject. I eagerly await the opportunity to get acquainted with those of you whom I have not yet met personally. See you next May in San Diego.