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NUR Member Profile

Lea Ann Matura

Lea Ann Matura, PhD, RN – Nursing Assembly


What is your position at your institution?

Associate Professor-University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

How long have you been a member of ATS?

7 years. One of my mentors suggested I join. aThe Nursing Assembly is very welcoming and early on I was invited to become involved in various committees.

Tell us about your involvement in the ATS.

I have been on several committees in addition to presenting at the annual ATS meeting:

2017 - present: America Thoracic Society Nursing Assembly Early Career Professional, Chair
2014 - 2015: American Thoracic Society Nursing Assembly Nominating Committee
2013 - present: American Thoracic Society Nursing Assembly Program Committee

What is the value of your membership in ATS?

The ability to meet, work with, and learn from the top researchers, clinicians and educators in the world is invaluable to me.

What are you passionate about in your work?

I love the research I do. I really believe investigating the symptom experience and testing interventions to improve symptoms and quality of life can have an impact on patient care.

Tell us about a memorable patient or student, or a memorable experience in your nursing career.

I was working at a hospital as an Advanced Practice Nurse. We implemented a new policy on personal pet visitation. Our very first visit was a dog visiting her owner in an intensive care unit. The woman was in her 80s and had been hospitalized for several weeks.  She seemed depressed. When we brought in her little dog named "Princess" she lit up. It meant so much to the patient to see her dog and I really believe it helped with her recovery and ultimate discharge home.

Tell us about your latest or favorite research or clinical project.

Using accelerometers to track physical activity in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). We found that women with PAH spend most of their time being sedentary. Lower self-reported energy levels were also associated with less daily physical activity. We hope to build on this work to increase physical activity and improve symptoms.

Tell us about your family (2 and/or 4 legged) and what you do for fun.

My dog, Spike. She's about 13 ½ years old. We adopted her when she was about 6 months old. We used to do a lot of running together. Now that she's older, she still enjoys going on short hikes. She loves to swim and play in the snow!

How has your view of nursing changed over the years?

For me, the importance of knowledge generation to continue to develop our evidence is so important. I believe it is a priority for advancement in patient care.

Do you have a mentor who has helped you?

Yes, I met Dr. Marilyn Sommers when I was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. She was instrumental in guiding me early in my academic career.