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NUR Member Profile

Hildy Schell-Chaple, RN, PhD(c), CCRN, CCNS, FAAN

Hildy Schell-Chaple, RN, PhD(c), CCRN, CCNS, FAAN

What is your current position?

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Adult Critical Care & Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center and School of Nursing.

What are you passionate about in your work?

I am passionate about high level critical care provided by a collaborative team that includes and meets the needs of the patient and their family. I am fortunate to witness the care provided and the impact on patients and families -whether it is through recovery or to a dignified death.

Tell us about a memorable patient or student that you worked with?

There are so many! A young man, respiratory therapist, father of two, husband -had severe sepsis from pneumococcus. He lost bilateral forearms, lower legs and his nose to skin necrosis from his sepsis. We spent a lot of time together as I was consulting for his wound care. The team of nurses, surgeons, social worker, nutritionist, and other team members worked together to get him home. We arranged for an amputee to come visit him before he went home to share tips on living with out the use of hands. His spirit and determination to move forward and live with his new disabilities was inspirational.

Tell us about your latest or favorite research project?

My area of research is body temperature alterations in critically ill patients. My current study is a clinical trial evaluating the effect of acetaminophen vs. placebo on core body temperature and hemodynamic responses in critically ill adults.

How do you spend your leisure time (yes, hopefully you have leisure time)?

I spend a lot of time at sporting events with my family. My sons play competitive ice hockey and baseball -we travel all over the country watching them play in tournaments. I enjoy swimming, spinning, jogging and being outdoors in beautiful California.

Do you have children? Tell us about them.

Yes, two boys.

Do you have pets? Tell us about them.


How long have you been a member in ATS?

3 years

Do you have a mentor that has helped you?

I have many mentors that have been instrumental in my career successes -Kathleen Puntillo, RN, PhD, Michael Matthay, MD, Neal Cohen, MD, Michael Gropper, MD, Scott Ziehm, DNP

What is the value of your membership in ATS?

ATS membership provides a network of clinicians and scientists aimed to improve care and cure of patients with critical illness, acute and chronic respiratory disorders, and sleep disorders. I value being able to share and learn from such a high quality professional society.