Assembly Awards

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Assembly on Clinical Problems International ATS Member Award


The award will be given to an international ATS member who has made outstanding contributions to any one of the following areas:

  • Clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research topics relevant to Clinical Problems.
  • Mentoring, training, and guiding junior pulmonary/critical care medicine individuals and/or colleagues in research or clinical care.
  • Educating, teaching, or supporting training of individuals from any background (RN, RT, MD, PhD, etc.) who work in pulmonary/critical care medicine.


This award is to recognize an individual at any phase of their career. We encourage nomination of diverse nominees, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus, and primary occupation.

NOTE: International applicants are also welcome to apply to any other ATS Clinical Problems Awards in addition to this award. The ATS defines “international” as someone who does not reside in North America.


Award Presentation:

Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate during the annual Clinical Problems Assembly Membership Meeting at the ATS International Conference, during the Clinical Problems business meeting, at which time the Chair of the Clinical Problems Assembly and Planning Committee chair will jointly present the award to the awardee. The awardee will have the opportunity to speak about what this award means to them. Awardees will also be announced on ATS platforms including the website and social media accounts. A letter of recognition will also be sent to the designated institutional leader.

NOTE: If an awardee is unable to attend the ATS International Conference, the unframed certificate will be mailed to the awardee. A pre-recorded video recording or written remarks can be delivered on behalf of the awardee at the ATS International Conference.



  • Nominee: Recipient must be a primary member of the Clinical Problems Assembly, as this award seeks to highlight ATS members with direct and specific contributions to the ATS Clinical Problems Assembly.
  • Nominator: Nominations can be submitted by any ATS member. Nominators who are not Clinical Problems Assembly members can submit nominations, as long as the nominee meets the qualifications above and the area of the nominee’s work matches the award goals.
  • Application elements:
    • A nomination letter from an ATS member that highlights the accomplishments and suitability of the applicant to this award, underscoring contributions to the Clinical Problems Assembly in any one of the three domains outlined above.
    • Nominee's curriculum vitae must be included.
    • Name, title and email address for nominee’s division chief or other institutional leader who should be notified of this nomination and award, if selected.
  • Scoring Metric(s): Applications will be reviewed by the Clinical Problems planning committee, utilizing a scoring scale ranking each of the following metrics:
    • Nominee contributions to the field in any one of the three domains outlined above, relevant to the ATS Clinical Problems assembly and appropriate for the nominee’s career stage.
    • Past, present or anticipated future contribution to the ATS Clinical Problems Assembly.
  • Additional minor scoring criteria can include nominee characteristics such as efforts related to diversity/equity/inclusion or work/location in a low-to-middle income setting. Nominators are encouraged to highlight these and other unique characteristics of the nominee they would like the committee to consider.
  • Repeat or carry over applications: Nominations for this award will not be carried over from prior years. A new application will need to be submitted in order for the same nominee to be considered for the same award during the next year’s call for award nominations.


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