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Assembly on Critical Care Extraordinary Achievement Award

Meet the 2023 Winner: B. Taylor Thompson, MD


 Dr. Thompson is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Medical Director and Principal Investigator of the NHLBI-funded PETAL Clinical Coordinating Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).  He is a clinical trialist focused on new therapies for ARDS, sepsis, and COVID-19.  Dr. Thompson is the former Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit and the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Program at MGH has been an NIH funded investigator and educator at MGH and Harvard Medical School for over 35 years.



This award is given in appreciation of a career devoted to research, and teaching of the science and practice of critical care medicine, as well as outstanding service to the Assembly on Critical Care. The awardee will be honored at the CC Assembly gathering at the ATS International Conference.


  • An active clinician or investigator in critical care medicine ~ 16 years since completion of training (i.e., fellowship or terminal doctoral degree, whichever was completed/awarded latest)
  • Recognized for making outstanding contributions to the international science or practice of CC medicine.
  • Recognized by his/her peers as an outstanding clinician and/or researcher, teacher, and mentor.
  • A CCA member (primary or secondary).
  • Contributions to the CC Assembly in the form of committee participation or leadership, promoting CCA diversity, and/or otherwise advancing the CCA’s mission will be viewed favorably.

The nomination package must include a nomination letter touching on all four scoring metrics (see below scoring rubric) from one or more members of ATS describing why the award is merited. Nominators should note in their letter any extenuating circumstances affecting the nominee. The curriculum vitae from the candidate must also be included with the nomination packet. Unawarded nominations from prior years do not carry over and should be resubmitted; previous awardees are not eligible for the same award.

Scoring Rubric:

 Applicants are scored on 4 criteria using a 1-5 rating system (with 1 being the best) across the below categories. In the event that none of the nominees in a given category receive an average score ≤3 , the Planning Committee may choose to defer granting an award in that category that year. If the Planning Committee does not receive any eligible nominations in a given category (e.g., CCA member, active clinician/investigator for roughly the stated time frame), the Committee may choose to nominate an individual, who must be unanimously approved by all members in order to receive the award.

  • Scientific Contributions/Products (which may include: research articles, data, reagents, software, and intellectual property)
  • Teaching/Mentoring/Educational/Advocacy Contributions
  • Participation in Assembly and ATS Activities (administrative, committees, workshops etc.)
  • Overall impact/impression of dossier submitted for award application


Nominate Here


View Previous Award Recipients

2022 - Randall Curtis, MD, MPH

2021 - Adrienne Randolph, MD, Msci

2020 - Michael Pinsky, MD

2019 - Richard K. Albert, MD

2018 - Margaret S. Herridge, MD

2017 - Polly E. Parsons, MD

2016 - Jesse B. Hall, MD

2015 - Roy G. Brower, MD

2014 - Rolf D. Hubmayr, MD

2013 - Deborah J. Cook, MD, FRCPC, MSc(Epid)

2012 - Arthur S. Slutsky. MD

2011 - Lawrence D.H. Wood, MD, PhD

2010 - Martin J. Tobin, MD

2009 - Gordon Bernard MD