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PEDS/ SRN Carole L. Marcus Outstanding Achievement Award

Meet the 2023 Winner: Ariel A. Williamson, PhD


Ariel A. Williamson, PhD, DBSM, is a licensed clinical psychologist, diplomat in behavioral sleep medicine, and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine (Penn). At CHOP, she is additionally a faculty member in Policy Lab and in Clinical Futures, a Research Institute Center of Emphasis. Dr. Williamson completed her clinical psychology internship at CHOP, specializing in integrated behavioral health, and earned her PhD in clinical science at University of Delaware in 2016. She completed a T32 fellowship in Behavioral Sleep Medicine at CHOP and Penn, with mentorship from Drs. Carole L. Marcus and Jodi A. Mindell, and joined CHOP as a faculty member in 2018.

Dr. Williamson’s research focuses on (1) using a socio-ecological approach to understand how multiple factors (child; family; school; neighborhood; environmental and socio-cultural context) contribute to child sleep problems and sleep health disparities, and (2) applying implementation science principles to promote pediatric sleep health and treat sleep problems in primary care and in partnership with community organizations. Dr. Williamson is a board member for the Philadelphia-area Beds for Kids program, which provides beds, bedding, and sleep education for children living in poverty and without an individual bed. She is also a sleep expert for the Pediatric Sleep Council, which provides free, evidence-based information about early childhood sleep for families and clinicians. In addition, she is Associate Editor for Sleep Health, the official journal of the National Sleep Foundation. Dr. Williamson was nominated to the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR) in 2020 and currently serves as a 2022-2023 cohort leader for the SPR/American Pediatric Society Research Journeys Program, designed to provide career mentorship to early-stage investigators. Dr. Williamson’s research has been funded by career development awards from NICHD (K23HD094905) and the Sleep Research Society Foundation, as well as by NHLBI (R01HL163798) and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation.


This award is intended to recognize the career accomplishments in the area of  pediatric sleep and respiratory neurobiology. This encompasses the areas of control of breathing, sleep mechanisms, and sleep-disordered breathing from a developmental standpoint, among infants, children, or adolescents. This may include research at the basic, translational, clinical, or population level, teaching, clinical care and/or development of new clinical programs to advance the care of children with sleep and breathing disorders. The award is intended to recognize a new investigator who is beyond formal training, but not yet fully established. It is not intended for well-established investigators. It is also not intended as recognition for a single project, but rather for overall accomplishments and future potential.

This award will be presented at the ATS International Conference. The awardee is expected to be present at the conference in order to receive the award, along with an honorarium of US $500. Eligible applicants should be members of the ATS. 


  • The candidate must be a member of the ATS and hold a faculty appointment at a rank not higher than Assistant Professor (or equivalent).
  • At least one nominating letter from a senior faculty person that details the candidate’s achievements and his/her contribution to the field of pediatric sleep and respiratory neurobiology
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae.
  • Copies of any relevant publications.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Scientific and Scholarly Contributions/Products
  • Teaching/Mentoring/Educational/Advocacy Contributions
  • Participation in Assembly and other ATS Activities (Administrative, Committees, Workshops, etc.)
  • Other considerations from recommendations including relevant extenuating circumstances
  • Overall impact/impression of dossier submitted for award application
  • Has not previously received an ATS Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Nominees do not have to be current ATS members, but are expected to attend the SRN Assembly Reception at the ATS International Conference to receive the award


Nominate Here


Contributions to the PEDS/ SRN Carole L. Marcus Award

Click here to contribute to the Carole L. Marcus Award. When making a contribution to the Foundation Contribution form, there’s a “Tribute/Memorial Gifts” dropdown option. Click on that option to make a gift “in memory of” Carole L. Marcus. In the box write in “Carole L. Marcus.”  Contributions should also be designated to the SRN or PEDS Assembly.

View Previous Award Recipients

2022 - Rene G. Cortese, PhD

2021 - Christopher Cielo, DO

2020 - David F. Smith, MD, PhD

2019 - Hui-Leng Tan, MBBS

2018 - Ignacio E. Tapia, MD