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Assembly on Behavioral Science and Health Services Research Lifetime Achievement Award

Meet the 2023 Winner: Susan J. Bartlett, PhD



Susan Bartlett is an Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Respiratory Medicine, and Rheumatology, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Bartlett completed an undergraduate degree at Concordia University, a Master’s at McGill University, PhD in Clinical Psychology from Syracuse University, and postdoctoral fellowship with training in clinical investigations at Johns Hopkins. She has been a member of ATS and the Behavioral Sciences/Health Services Assembly for 15 years. 

Dr. Bartlett’s work has focused on how psychosocial factors influence health behaviors and long-term outcomes in chronic inflammatory illnesses. Recent interests center around improving the measurement of patient-centered outcomes including symptoms, impacts of disease and treatments, and quality of life. In 2014, she served as co-chair of the International Society of Quality of Life meeting in Berlin, and last year as co-chair of the ATS Workshop on Patient-Centered Outcomes in Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Research. Dr. Bartlett will continue to build on the legacy of accomplishments of our Assembly Chairs to increase the visibility and recognition of the critical role that behavioral sciences and health services research play in improving the lives of people with pulmonary, critical care, and sleep disorders throughout the world.


The award will be given to an individual who has made outstanding scientific and scholarly contributions or has provided outstanding service relevant to the behavioral or social sciences, clinical epidemiology, statistics, health services research, health economics, comparative clinical efficacy and effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, performance measurement, quality improvement, or implementation science. This award is to recognize individuals who have applied these methodologies to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders, and who have made outstanding contributions to the Assembly on Behavioral Sciences and Health Services Research (BSHSR) and the ATS as a whole. Awardees will be presented with a framed certificate at the ATS International Conference.


  • Professor at an academic institution or >20 years from completing all post-doctoral or clinical training, excluding time off for personal circumstances
  • Current BSHSR member (primary or secondary membership)
  • Has not previously received a Lifetime Achievement award from any ATS assembly
  • The submission package must include the candidate’s updated curriculum vitae and a nomination letter from an assembly member addressing the candidate’s achievements within the scored award domains.


Applicants are scored on 6 criteria using a 1-5 rating system across the following categories: summed scores provide an overall score:

  • Scientific and scholarly contributions/products
  • Teaching/mentoring/educational contributions
  • Participation in BSHSR Assembly activities (administrative, committees, workshops, etc.)
  • Participation in other ATS activities (administrative, committees, workshops, etc.)
  • Other considerations from recommendations including relevant extenuating circumstances
  • Overall impact/impression of the dossier submitted for award application


Nominate Here


View Previous Award Recipients

2022 - Erin K. Kross, MD

2021 - Juan Pablo Wisnivesky, MD, DrPH

2020 - Richard Mularski, MD, ATSF

2019 - Chris Goss, MD, MSc

2018 -  Andrea J. Apter, MA, MD, MSs

2017 - Kristin A. Riekert, PhD

2016 - Frederick S. Wamboldt, MD

2015 - Jerry A. Krishnan, MD, PhD

2014 - Lynn B. Gerald, PhD, MSPH

2013- William Vollmer, PhD

2012 - David H. Au, MD, MSc

2011 - Marianna Sockrider, MD, PhD

2010 - A. Sonia Buist, MD

2009 - Bruce G. Bender, PhD

2008 - J. Randall Curtis, MD, MPH

2007 - Cynthia S. Rand, PhD

2006 - Sandra R. Wilson, PhD

2005 - David Evans, PhD

2004 - William Bailey, MD

2003 - Noreen M. Clark, PhD