The American Thoracic Society (ATS) supports the sharing of COVID-19 experiences and recommendations of our members and other clinical and scientific resources in ATS websites, social media and communications. Opinions expressed and resources shared may not have been reviewed by the ATS prior to distribution through ATS channels, or reflect official positions of the ATS, unless it is explicitly noted as a result of official ATS approval. References to specific commercial entities (companies) or products do not reflect review or endorsement by the ATS unless it is explicitly noted as a result of official ATS approval.
Industry Innovations Webinar Series:

- New England Journal of Medicine
- The Lancet
- Oxford University Press
- UW Medicine COVID-19 Webinar
- NEJM: 5 Interactive COVID-19 Cases
- The Hastings Center (Ethics Resources)
- CPAP, Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) by Mask and Use of NIV systems for intubated patients
in the time of Corona patient surge - Model Hospital Policy for Allocating Scarce Critical Care Resources (University of Pittsburgh/University of Pennsylvania ethics programs; ATS member-authored)
- COVID-19 Ventilator Course: Learn or Review Mechanical Ventilation (Free at
- NEJM Ethics Perspective 3/23/2020: The Toughest Triage – Allocating Ventilators in a Pandemic (ATS member-authored)
- The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (March 27, 2020; ATS members co-authors)
- A Framework for Rationing Ventilators and Critical Care Beds During the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 27, 2020; ATS member co-author).
- Journal of Ethics – COVID Resource Center
Center to Advance Palliative Care – COVID-19 Resources (Mt. Sinai-NYC)
- COVID-19 Global Clinical Knowledge Base
- Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program (CTAP)
- International Organization for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) resource website for Palliative Care and COVID-19
- COVID-19 Literature Review
- PHA Connects: COVID-19 and Your Health
- Dr. Jeremy Beitler, MD, MPH (Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital) provides an overview of ventilation sharing, specific to the New York City experience.