HomeProfessionalsCareer DevelopmentFellowsInnovations in Fellowship Education2016 ▶ Implementation and Evaluation of an Outpatient Pulmonary Curriculum iBook
Implementation and Evaluation of an Outpatient Pulmonary Curriculum iBook

The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH

Program Director: Jennifer W. McCallister, MD
Type of Program: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Abstract Authors: Adam G. Manko, MD; Emily Amin, MD; Karen Wood, MD; Jennifer W. McCallister, MD

Upon completion of training, pulmonary fellows must demonstrate competence in management of a wide range of pulmonary conditions in the ambulatory setting (1). However, fellows within the same institution may have variable educational experiences. These variations are influenced by referral base, patient population, and attending physician teaching styles. Currently, our fellows receive dedicated didactics on ambulatory pulmonary topics as part of our core lecture series. The topics rotate on a two-three year basis. The continuity clinic experience consists of two years of general pulmonary clinic with an additional year of focused training in select sub-specialty clinics. We hypothesize that the addition of a widely available, mobile, iBook curriculum with interactive digital media will improve medical knowledge and fellow comfort in disease management in ambulatory topics in pulmonary medicine (2).

Senior fellows worked collaboratively with faculty with content expertise to develop 13 interactive chapters (Figure 1) focused on high-yield ambulatory pulmonary topics. Each chapter ends with a medical knowledge assessment. Select expanded chapters (Figure 1) also include a pre-test for comparison to the medical knowledge post-test and pre- and post-questions related to comfort with disease management (Figure 2). Demographic information (Figure 2) about each learner is collected at the time of completion, and aggregated responses recorded via an online data collection sheet.

The Outpatient Pulmonary Curriculum iBook will soon be published in the iTunes Store free of charge through The Ohio State University. Additional chapters will be added and the existing content will be updated based on review of initial performance data. The content will be integrated into our existing curriculum and made widely available for any other programs to use. We will require fellows to complete one chapter each month, and monitor the self-assessment scores as a potential trigger for targeted teaching and self-directed learning.

The Outpatient Pulmonary iBook is a low-cost, mobile outpatient pulmonary curriculum that will be easily accessible to all programs. We anticipate that it’s interactive and portable content will not only be desirable, but effective. 1. ACGME program requirements for graduate medical education in pulmonary disease and critical care medicine (internal medicine). 2013. 2. Parslow GR.

iBooks packaging textbooks for the iPad. Biochemistry and molecular biology education: a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2012;40(2):142143. The content is available for download on iBooks. Search for “Outpatient Pulmonary Curriculum.”