Here, you'll find summaries of recent literature on PI-TB-related subjects brought to you by members of our assembly. Nothing you see here should be construed as an official ATS position, but the summaries should nevertheless help you stay updated on the vast body of literature generated in the field of pulmonary infections. If you like what you see and are interested in submitting a summary of your own, feel free to drop us a line at colin.swenson@emory.edu for the details on how to submit a summary.
- Exuberant Fibroblast Activity Compromises Lung Function via ADAMTS4
- High-Dose Rifampin Leads to More Rapid Sputum Sterilization in Smear-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis without Increased Toxicity -- Summarized by Kelly M. Pennington
- Is a Clofazimine-containing regimen effective for the treatment of Mycobacterium abscessus lung disease? -- Summarized by Zahia Esber
- Nucleic Acid Detection with CRISPR-Cas13a/C2c2 by Gootenberg JS et al., Science 356, 438-442 (2017) -- Summarized by John McGinniss
- Voila C’est Fini? The French EMPIRICUS Trial and the Shrinking Market for Untargeted Antifungal Therapy in the ICU -- Summarized by Oleg Epelbaum
- Pneumococcal Pneumonia Causes Acute Cardiac Toxicity and Subsequent Cardiac Remodeling, AJRCCM -- Summarized by Felipe Reyes