Early Career Professionals

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CP Early Career Professionals Working Group

Welcome to the Early Career Professionals Working Group. Our goal is to help physicians-in-training and in the early portion of their careers become more involved in the Clinical Problems Assembly and in the ATS.

 Alyssa Soskis

Alyssa Soskis, MD

Working Group Chair

Abigail Koch  

Abigail Koch, MD

Working Group Co-Chair

You are an Early Career Professional if:

  • You are a student
  • You are a resident
  • You are a fellow
  • You are a recent (within 5 years) fellowship graduate/ junior faculty member

Our Working Group has the following goals:

  • Identify opportunities and help young professionals become engaged in ATS
    • Cooperation with program committee to place young members as facilitators and moderators
    • Cooperation with other working groups to place young members on statement and guideline committees
    • Provide networking opportunities
    • Provide educational outreach on topics relevant to members
    • Encourage career development and advising
  • Recruit interested members to work on upcoming CP Assembly projects.  Examples include:
    • Quick Hits
    • Journal Clubs
    • Social media outreach
    • Newsletters
    • Podcasts

Are you interested in participating in this Working Group or some other aspect of the Clinical Problems Assembly? Contact Alyssa Soskis, MD


Why be part of the Assembly on Clinical Problems?

Within ATS, there are several Assemblies, based on clinical interests.  The purpose of an assembly is to improve the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of information, improve communication among the members, and participate in the planning of the International Conference. Assemblies are also responsible for creating and updating ATS Statements and Position Papers. The Assemblies are responsible for driving the programming and content of the annual International Conference.  Joining and participating in an assembly is one of the best ways to become involved in ATS. 

If you did not join the CP Assembly when you joined ATS, you can do it at any time via the ATS website Verifying your membership status, as well as primary and secondary affiliations, is now quick and easy to do online! The Member Profile Update form is safe and secure, and your updates will reflect in our database one hour from the time of your submission. You may access the form via the ATS website.