These Abstract Scholarship Awards have been funded by the American Thoracic Society
Brett Norman, MD
Vanderbilt University
Abstract Title: Hospital Readmissions in Survivors of Critical Illness - An Analysis of the BRAIN-ICU Cohort
Yosefa Hefter, BA
Montefiore Medical Center
Abstract Title: A Time Motion Study to Describe Workflow of Attendings and Residents in Medical and Surgical ICUs
Steven W. Purtle, MD
University of Colorado
Abstract Title: Minority Status and Male Sex are Both Associated with an Increased Need for Renal Replacement Therapy in Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Hilary F. Armstrong, MSc
Columbia Univ Med Ctr
Abstract Title: Pulmonary Function and QT Duration: The Multi Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Eleftheria Letsiou, PhD
University of Illinois at Chicago
Abstract Title: Autophagy Regulates Microparticle Release After Pathologic Mechanical Stress in Lung Endothelium
Joshay A. Ford, MS
University of Colorado Denver
Abstract Title: The Mechanistic Investigation of Neurocognitive Dysfunction After Sepsis
Kenneth E. Remy, MD
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Abstract Title: Haptoglobin Administration Improves Lung Injury and Survival in Canines Challenged with S. aureus Pneumonia and Exchange Transfused Fresh But Not Older Stored Blood
Tanmay S. Panchabhai, MD
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Abstract Title: The Natural History of Lung Function After Initiation of Non-Invasive Ventilation in a Large Cohort of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Matthieu Jabaudon, MD, MSc
CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Adult ICU, CHU estaing
Abstract Title: Influence of Intraoperative Lung-Protective Ventilation on Lung Epithelial Marker sRAGE, the Soluble Form of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products, in Patients Without Preexisting Lung Injury
Jessica A. Palakshappa, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Abstract Title: Plasma Adiponectin Levels are Associated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Severe Sepsis
Caitlin Richardson-Royer, MD
Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati
Abstract Title: A Prospective, Randomized Trial of Informed Consent for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - Informing with or Without Video
Farzad Moazed, MD
University of California San Francisco
Abstract Title: Cigarette Smoke Exposure in Humans is Associated with an Exaggerated Inflammatory Response to Endotoxin with Both Alveolar Epithelial Injury and Increased Lung Permeability
Nicholas A. Braus, MD
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Abstract Title: Effects of Proactive Palliative Care on Processes and Outcomes in a Medical ICU
Ashraf Fawzy, MD, MPH
Boston Medical Center
Abstract Title: Practice Patterns and Outcomes Associated with Choice of Vasopressor Therapy for Septic Shock: A Population Based Propensity-Matched Cohort Study
Benjamin A. Ferrell, MD
Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center
Abstract Title: Interaction Between APOE4 and Benzodiazepine Sedation as Risk Factors for Acute Brain Dysfunction During Critical Illness
Leslie P. Scheunemann, MD, MPH
University of Pittsburgh
Abstract Title: Values Talk in ICUs: A Quantitative, Multi-Center Analysis of Prevalence and Predictors of Clinician-Family Communication About Incapacitated Patients' Values and Preferences
Zhan Liang, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Abstract Title: Effect of Music Intervention During Daily Weaning Trials in Patients on Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
Anuj Mehta, MD
Boston University School of Medicine
Abstract Title: Outcomes of Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Faraaz A. Shah, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Abstract Title: Early Enteral Dextrose Administration Reduces Inflammation in an Endotoxemia Model of Sepsis
Aida Venado, MD
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Abstract Title: Comparison of Anti-Xa Activity and Thromboelastogram Analysis for Guiding Anticoagulation Management in Adult Patients Supported with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Matthew W. Semler, MD
Vanderbilt University
Abstract Title: The Effect of Initial B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Concentration on the Outcomes of Conservative versus Liberal Fluid Management in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Jason J. Heavner, MD
Yale School of Medicine
Abstract Title: The Yale Alcohol Withdrawal Protocol: Cost Analysis of a Symptom-Triggered Protocol in Intensive Care Unit Patients with Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Jared Chiarchiaro, MD
Univeristy of Pittsburgh Medical School
Abstract Title: Conflict Management Strategies in the ICU Differ Between Palliative Care and Non-Palliative Care Clinicians
Peter D. Sottile, MD
University of Colorado
Abstract Title: Development of a Computerized Algorithm to Detect and Assess the Impact of Dyssynchrony on Low Tidal Volume Ventilation