Webinar date: September 15, 2022 at 12 PM EDT
This Journal Club was sponsored by the Assemblies on Allergy, Immunology, and Inflammation (AII) and Clinical Problems (CP) and focused on "The Impact of Insulin Resistance on Loss of Lung Function and Response to Treatment in Asthma" published in ATS Journal, AJRCCM, 2022.
Michael C. Peters MD
Assistant Professor, University of California San Francisco
Ratko Djukanovic, MD, DM, FRCP, FERS
Professor of Medicine, University of Southampton
Tianshi David Wu, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Vickram Tejwani, MD
Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic
Dinah Foer, MD
Instructor in Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital