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HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Interventional Pulmonology Series (Thoracic Oncology Assembly): Setting Career Goals and Making Them Happen
Interventional Pulmonology Series (Thoracic Oncology Assembly): Setting Career Goals and Making Them Happen

Dr. Daniel Sterman talks to us about the early days and evolution of Interventional Pulmonology in the United States. He gives his opinion on the current state of IP training, optimal institutional structure, the importance of research and the future of IP. He discusses how he used IP successfully to become a leader in Pulmonary Medicine.

Dr. Daniel Sterman MD FCCP, ATSF, DAABIP
The Thomas & Suzanne Murphy Professor of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Departments of Medicine and Cardiothoracic Surgery
Director, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Director, Multidisciplinary Pulmonary Oncology Program
Principal Investigator, NYU Pulmonary Oncology Research Team (NYU PORT)
NYU Grossman School of Medicine/ NYU Langone Health

Dr. Mark Weir M.B Ch.B
Assistant Professor Thoracic Medicine at Lewis Katz School of Medicine
Temple University