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HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Discussing ATS 2019 with Professor Melanie Königshoff, chair of the Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (RCMB) assembly
Discussing ATS 2019 with Professor Melanie Königshoff, chair of the Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (RCMB) assembly

Professor Melanie Königshoff is a Professor in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine. She is a thought leader in the field of lung fibrosis and regeneration, and has extensively published on the topic.  She is also the new chair of the RCMB assembly.  Today she sits down with Dr. Maor Sauler to discuss ATS 2019 in advance of the abstract submission deadline. She discusses some of her fondest memories of past ATS meetings, this year's science core topic, and what she is looking forward to at ATS 2019. 


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