Breathe Easy Podcasts

HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ An introduction to integrative therapy in respiratory disease - Part 1
An introduction to integrative therapy in respiratory disease - Part 1

What are Integrative Therapies?  Is there a role for using integrative therapies to augment the clinical management of patients with respiratory diseases?  Please join Tania Von Visger, APRN, PhD and Asha Deveraux, MD, MPH for the 1st of a 3 podcast series introducing the topic of integrative therapies.  They will discuss the importance of evidence-based resources, some risks and benefits of use, and strategies to incorporate integrative therapies into your clinical practice to promote lung health.

Asha Devereaux, MD, MPH
Tania T. Von Visger, PhD, APRN, CNS, CCNS, PCCN 


Nina Bracken, MSN, ACNP-BC




  1. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

  2. ATS Integrative Therapy Interest Group list of trusted web resources

  3. ATS Integrative Therapy Interest Group