Apprenticeship Program

RSF Apprenticeship Program

Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program

The RSF Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career RSF Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below).

Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the RSF Assembly while developing skills for enhanced leadership. Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.

Description of Program Committee

The Program Committee organizes all RSF content for the International Conference, including sessions from accepted proposals and abstract-based sessions. They include:

• Scientific Symposia • Sunrise Seminars• Meet the Professor Seminars • Workshops • Postgraduate Courses • Mini-Symposia• Poster Discussion Sessions• Thematic Poster Sessions

Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate session proposal and abstract submissions and program Conference sessions.

Description of Planning Committee

The RSF Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring assembly projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly. The Planning Committee also develops and maintains the criteria for the assembly’s awards, reviews all award nominations, and selects awardees on a yearly basis.

Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Assembly project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.

Description of Web Committee

The RSF Web Committee is in charge of the Assembly's web content, online presence and provides a mechanism for communication between the RSF leadership and members. They work with the Assembly to identify and populate the site with information and content that is of broad interest to the membership.

Web Committee apprentices expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.

Apprenticeship Applicant Criteria

  • Meets criteria for "early career" [senior fellow/senior postdoctoral fellow/junior faculty (Instructor/Assistant Professor < 3 years from fellowship)].
  • Strong demonstrated interest in a career in academic medicine, either research or education
  • Demonstrated ability to accomplish/provide a deliverable as part of a team
  • Committed to participate in the activities and responsibilities as part of a designated committee (e.g. reviewing applications for the Program Committee)
  • Prior ATS attendance and abstract presentation, and expectation to attend the ATS international conference during term
  • Clear commitment to diversity 
  • Completed application form
  • Updated CV and or NIH Biosketch
  • For web-committee: Candidate has an interest in communicating science digitally and/or an interest in science communications 

    The deadline to apply is Mon, Jan 22