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NUR Member Profile

Lauren Castro, MSN, APN

Lauren Castro, MSN, APN


What is your position at your institution?

Director of Clinical Research Operations, Nurse Practitioner


How long have you been a member of ATS?

2 years


Tell us about your involvement in the ATS.

I joined ATS with other colleagues and have become involved with the nursing assembly program and web committees


What is the value of your membership in ATS?

I value having dedicated time each year at the conference to learn and network with colleagues from all across the world


What are you passionate about in your work?

I’m passionate about bringing high quality healthcare to our most vulnerable populations and ensuring our healthcare system is tailoring education, processes, systems and more to fit their needs at each step of the way. 


Tell us about a memorable patient or student, or a memorable experience in your nursing career.


Tell us about your latest or favorite research or clinical project.


Tell us about your family (2 and/or 4 legged) and what you do for fun.

My husband and I have three young children – they keep us on our toes but also bring lots of smiles each day!


How has your view of nursing changed over the years?

As a new grad, one focuses on mastering skills and learning the ropes.  After many years in the academic setting, I’ve come to appreciate my role in nursing as a bridge builder and working to ensure patients, caregivers, clinicians and all stakeholders have a voice in shaping the way they give and receive care within our health care system.  Nurses bring a valuable voice to the multi-disciplinary teams in both the clinical and research settings. 


Do you have a mentor who has helped you?

Early in my career at the university, I had a wonderful mentor, Julie Hoff. She helped me gain confidence as a young nurse and was sure to give me opportunities to learn and grow as a clinical research nurse.  Through those early years, she was also one of my biggest cheerleaders as I pursued my master’s degree in the nurse practitioner program.  She led by example each day with open communication, excellent listening, sharing expertise in a professional and kind manner, and belief in teamwork to solve problems.  Her ongoing encouragement laid a foundation for me to grow as a nursing leader and for that I’m forever grateful.